There are times when you need a recharge. You are ready for a shift.
As you look around your life, you realize, you cannot shift there. You need a space – neutral, inspiring, beautiful, and supportive.
Commune is that space.
An outdoor and in-person course to re-member yourself and leave more whole.
Commune happens once per year. It is nestled and nested between Nourish and Manifest. It is the next step to embodying your unique ecological niche.
Commune is a leadership course where you uncover, recover, or discover your inner source of power and a deep sense of belonging to the world.
Leaders who have walked through the fire of the unknown inside their own minds are more equipped to navigate the future in front of us. Commune guides you to find your leadership edge and mindfully and with care, step over it.
Once you know the terrain and find your ecological niche or soul path, you begin to manifest a new way, a balanced way, a way that includes and cares for all beings.

Commune is hosted in the late summer. It takes place in the wild and awe-inspiring Sawtooth Mountains that form the southwestern perimeter of the Methow Valley in northern Washington state.
Separated from the daily task of your life and immersed in the deep realm of wild nature, you practice shedding the skins and masks you wear. Through story – yours, mine, and our collective inheritance, community – of both animate and inanimate beings, and wilderness rites and practices, you develop a metaphor for your life.
The metaphor is a rabbit hole that goes as deep as you care to go and leads to find your unique ecological niche – the place where you soul and ego are in partnership.
We spend seven days together weaving stories and practices, unfurling years of habits, and occupying your place in the family of things.
If you have taken Nourish, this is a good next step.
Outline of Course
2022 dates are September 20th through 25th
Day One: Awareness – Leave no trace, set up, logistics, lunch, greet the land, dinner, opening council.
Day Two: Invitation – Next three days are preparation for your 24-hour fasting solo – some variation on this: dreamwork, breakfast, invitation, excursion, lunch, processing, invitation, excursion, dinner, story time or council, bedtime
Day Three: Deepening – Day before Fasting Solo – Bond with your buddy and solo spot – some variation on this: dreamwork, breakfast, wander with your buddy to find your solo spot, lunch, preparation and instructions, dinner, fire circle (or water circle) council, bedtime
Day Four: Trial – Next 24 hours – Fasting Solo Day – dreamwork, light breakfast, gather things for an overnight vigil, meet up with your buddy, go to your solo spot, host one or more of any number of rites – death lodge, up through the night vigil, calling the ancestors, a four-direction circle, etc., spend the night outside by yourself
Day Five: Return – Second to last Day –offer gratitude to your spot and return to base camp, eat a nourishing meal, gather in council
Day Six: Closure – dreamwork, breakfast, leave no trace clean up, closing circle
You are invited to apply. Invitations are necessary to see if you are ready for the experience
The Methow Valley is four to five hours from Seattle – the closest, large airport. Spokane is three hours away. Getting here is part of the experience.
This is a camping session – another important difficulty. You will need to have your own tent, duffle bags or backpack, and a sleeping bag. A more detailed gear list will be provided upon acceptance.
Weather will be an issue – an additional hurdle. It could be beautiful. It could be smoky. It could be cold. It could rain. It might even snow. We will adjust our locations and setup as weather shifts.
This is a backcountry course. There are no facilities – more challenge.
You will be planning, preparing, and cooking your own food. Stoves and pots will be provided. You will be ecologically cleaning your own dishes.
Accommodations in the valley are available prior to and post-session. I will share a recommendations list upon acceptance.
Contact Tracy for more information at [email protected]